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Employment Related Practices

Powerful legislation such as The Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and expanded state and federal regulations have vastly changed the employment landscape. Today, lawsuits alleging discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment and violations of multiple statutes are commonplace.

Employees who feel they have been wronged now have greater resources than ever before. In this environment, the need for solid employment practices liability insurance, coupled with effective loss prevention practices, has never been greater.

Broad Definition of Employment Practices Slam

  • Wrongful termination
  • Harassment (including sexual harassment)
  • Discrimination
  • Employment-related libel, slander, humiliation, defamation, invasion of privacy
  • Wrongful failure to employ or promote

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The Mechanic Group is a Division of Specialty Program Group, LLC DBA SPG Insurance Solutions in California; all rights reserved

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